Hi hackers,

I found a bug related to the planning of merge joins. The steps to reproduce are as follows:
    i integer,
    j integer,
    t text
    i integer,
    k integer
set enable_hashjoin to off;
explain select * from j1_tbl full join (select * from j2_tbl order by j2_tbl.i desc, j2_tbl.k) j2_tbl on j1_tbl.i = j2_tbl.i and j1_tbl.i = j2_tbl.k;

ERROR:  left and right pathkeys do not match in mergejoin

It can be reproduced on the latest 9.6, 10 and devel versions. Basically, j2_tbl is used as the outer relation in merge join. We try to use the existing order of j2_tbl, that is, 'i2 desc' and 'k asc'. As a result, there is no order for i1 that would allow it to be merge-joined to both i2 and k. The corresponding code path begins in `generate_mergejoin_pathkeys()`, when it is first called by `match_unsorted_outer()`. `find_mergeclauses_for_pathkeys()` selects both mergeclauses for the given outer pathkeys, and then `make_inner_pathkeys_for_merge()` generates inner pathkey for the first mergeclause. Inner pathkey for the second mergeclause is skipped as redundant. It looks suspicious already, because this new pathkey has different direction and is more like conflicting than redundant. Finally, `create_mergejoin_plan()` detects that the inner pathkey doesn't match the second mergeclause and throws the error.

I found this while working on the inequality merge join patch. I don't know yet how to fix this, so any help is welcome.

Alexander Kuzmenkov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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