Hello Andres,

[...] I find that is a fairly absurd, and frankly insulting, ascription of motives.

I do not thought that I was insulting anyone, and I apologise if anyone felt insulted by my message.

I didn't "veto" the patch or anything, nor did Tom.

Good. My past experience is that if Tom shows a reservation against the purpose of a patch, the patch is nearly dead, so I interpret that as a veto, even if it is not strictly one.

I wondered whether we're adding more cost than overall gains. We have very few people that actually show up when there are bugs and fix them, and adding more code tends to make maintenance harder.

As far as pgbench is concerned, I've been doing most of the maintenance, but it necessarily involves a committer in the end, obviously.

A lot of contributors, including serial ones, don't even remotely put in as much resources reviewing other people's patches as they use up in reviewer and committer bandwidth. You certainly have contributed more patches than you've reviewed for example.

Please check your numbers before criticising someone unduly.

Last time I checked I was more than even. According to the last three CF data, it seems that I'm quite okay over one year:

 2018-01: 4 submitted vs 7 reviewed
 2017-11: 8 submitted vs 7 reviewed
 2017-09: 8 submitted vs 12 reviewed
 2017-03: 5 submitted vs 3 reviewed

Total: 25 "submitted" and 29 reviewed.

I am counting patches I submitted which can stay "ready" over half a dozen CF as half a dozen submissions, which is not that to the count, because they were not new submissions to the CF and they did not require any reviewing on the CF where they stay put. I'm not sure that bug fixes should really be counted either.

Basically, I'm spending much more time reviewing & testing than developing. The patch I submit are usually pretty small and low impact, with exception. I tend to review similar patches, which seems fair.

That fundamentally can't scale, unless some individual contribute way more review resources than they use up, and that's not something many people afford nor want.

Hmmm. Sure. Please note that it is what I think I am doing:-)

Now, if you feel that my overall contribution is detrimental to the project, feel free to ask me to stop contributing so as to help it, which is my primary objective anyway.

And while possibly not universally seen that way, in my opinion, and I'm
not alone seeing things that way, contributors that contribute more
review resources than they "use", are granted more latitude in what they
want to do because they help the project scale.


Note that pgbench code does add work, even if one is not using the new features. As you know, I was working on performance and robustness improvements, and to make sure they are and stay correct I was attempting to compile postgres with -fsanitize=overflow - which fails because pgbench isn't overflow safe. I reported that, but you didn't follow up with fixes.

Indeed. AFAICR you did it before, I think that I reviewed it, it was not a period for which I had a lot of available time, and I did not feel it was something that urgent to fix because there was no practical impact. I would have done it later, probably.


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