
On 2018-03-04 21:00:06 -0800, Andres Freund wrote:
> > Looking at llvm_get_function(), the function that raises that error, I
> > see that there are a few different paths here.  I don't have
> > 5, so I should be getting the symbol address with
> > LLVMOrcGetSymbolAddress(llvm_opt0_orc, &addr, mangled) or
> > LLVMOrcGetSymbolAddress(llvm_opt3_orc, &addr, mangled), but clearly
> > those are returning NULL.
> Yep. I wonder if this is some symbol naming issue or such, because
> emitting and relocating the object worked without an error.

Thanks to Thomas helping get access to an OSX machine I was able to
discover what the issue is.  OSX prepends, for reason unbeknownst to me,
a leading underscore to all function names.  That lead to two issues:
First JITed functions do not have that underscore (making us look up a
non-existing symbol, because llvm_get_function applied
mangling). Secondly, llvm_resolve_symbol failed looking up symbol names,
because for $reason dlsym() etc do *not* have the names prefixed by the
underscore.   Easily enough fixed.

After that I discovered another problem, the bitcode files for core pg /
contrib modules weren't installed. That turned out to be a make version
issue, I'd used
define install_llvm_module =
# body
but older make only like
define install_llvm_module
# body

Writing up a patch that I can actually push.  Thanks both to Thomas and
Peter for pointing me towards this issue!


Andres Freund

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