2018-03-09 3:13 GMT+01:00 Peter Eisentraut <peter.eisentr...@2ndquadrant.com

> On 3/8/18 05:05, Fabien COELHO wrote:
> > I'm in favor of having a simple psql way to generate a convenient and
> > compliant CSV output for export/import.
> yes
> > I also think that a short option brings little value, and "--csv" is good
> > enough for the purpose, so I would agree to remove the "-C" binding.
> yes

> > About "fieldsep_csv", I do not like much the principle of having
> different
> > output variables to represent the same concept depending on the format. I
> > would rather have reused fieldsep as in your previous submission and set
> > it to "," when under --csv.
> yes

how will be possible to set different separator ';'? I don't see it with
described design



> > The "\n" eol style is hardcoded. Should it use "recordsep"?
> yes
> > The "\pset format" error message in "do_pset" shows values in seemingly
> > random order. The situation is pre-existing but not really satisfactory.
> > I'd suggest to put all values in alphabetical order.
> yes
> > I'd suggest that tests should include more types, not just strings. I
> > would suggest int, float, timestamp, bytea, an array (which uses , as a
> > separator), json (which uses both " and ,)...
> sounds good
> --
> Peter Eisentraut              http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
> PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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