On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 2:52 PM, Euler Taveira <eu...@timbira.com.br> wrote:

> 2018-03-12 14:03 GMT-03:00 Mat Arye <m...@timescale.com>:
> > I have a question about statistics hooks. I am trying to teach the
> planner
> > that when grouping by something like date_trunc('1 day', time) will
> produce
> > a lot less rows than the number of distinct time values. I want to do
> that
> > in an extension. The problem is that I don't see a way to make the
> > get_relation_stats_hook work well fo that since by the time it's called
> you
> > only see the `time` var and not the full expression. None of the other
> hooks
> > seem appropriate either. So 2 questions:
> >
> Isn't it the case to extend the available hook?
> > 1) Would people be opposed to adding a code hook somewhere at the start
> of
> > `examine_variable` (selfuncs.c) to allow creating statistics on complete
> > expressions? I can submit a patch if this seems reasonable.
> >
> If you explain the use case maybe it could be considered.

So the use-case is an analytical query like

SELECT date_trunc('hour', time) AS MetricMinuteTs, AVG(value) as avg
FROM hyper
WHERE time >= '2001-01-04T00:00:00' AND time <= '2001-01-05T01:00:00'
GROUP BY MetricMinuteTs
ORDER BY MetricMinuteTs DESC;

Right now this query will choose a much-less-efficient GroupAggregate plan
instead of a HashAggregate. It will choose this because it thinks the
number of groups
produced here is 9,000,000 because that's the number of distinct time
values there are.
But, because date_trunc "buckets" the values there will be about 24 groups
(1 for each hour).

> > 2) Do patches that add code hooks (and are probably under 10 lines) need
> to
> > go through the entire commitfest process. I guess what I am really
> asking is
> > if PG12 would be the first version such a patch could appear in or is
> PG11
> > still a possibility? Just wondering what the policy on such stuff is.
> >
> If it is a new feature and is not in the last CF, it won't be
> considered for v11 (even small patches).
> --
>    Euler Taveira                                   Timbira -
> http://www.timbira.com.br/
>    PostgreSQL: Consultoria, Desenvolvimento, Suporte 24x7 e Treinamento

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