On 10/3/21 16:18, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
Index Skip Scan 16
         Last substantive discussion 2021-05, currently passing cfbot

         Seems possibly useful, but we're not making progress.
This feature is definitely useful. My pet theory is that it hasn't
made more progress because it requires expertise in two fairly
distinct areas of the system. There is a lot of B-Tree stuff here,
which is clearly my thing. But I know that I personally am much less
likely to work on a patch that requires significant changes to the
planner. Maybe this is a coordination problem.

I still believe that this is an important user-visible improvement.

However, there has been conflicting feedback on the necessary planner changes leading to doing double work in order to figure the best way forward.

Dmitry and Andy are doing a good job on keeping the patches current, but maybe there needs to be a firm decision from a committer on what the planner changes should look like before these patches can move forward.

So, is RfC the best state for that ?

Best regards,


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