On 10.11.21 16:28, Robert Haas wrote:
What I think we ought
to be driving towards is having pg_log_fatal() forcibly exit, and
pg_log_error() do the same unless the error is somehow caught.

This is specifically designed not to do any flow control. In the backend, we have many instances, where log messages are issued with the wrong log level because the stronger log level would have flow control impact that is not appropriate at the call site. I don't think we want more of that, especially since the flow control requirements in the varied suite of frontend programs is quite diverse. Moreover, we also require control over the exit codes in some cases, which this kind of API wouldn't allow.

Several programs wrap, say, pg_log_fatal() into a pg_fatal(), that does logging, cleanup, and exit, as the case may be. I think that's a good solution. If someone wanted to write a more widely reusable pg_fatal(), why not, but in my previous attempts, this was quite complicated and didn't turn out to be useful.

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