On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 05:11:16PM +0300, Alexander Kuzmenkov wrote:
> Hi hackers,
> There was some interest in implementing ASOF joins in Postgres, see
> e.g. this prototype patch by Konstantin Knizhnik:
> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/bc494762-26bd-b100-e1f9-a97901ddad57%40postgrespro.ru
> I't like to discuss the possible ways of implementation, if there is
> still any interest in that.
> Introduction
> ASOF join is often used to work with time series data such as stock
> quotes or IoT sensors. It is an interpolation where we want to relate
> two different time series measured at different points in time. For
> each value of the first time series, we take the most recent value of
> the second.

DISCLAIMER:  I  am both seeing this first time and I don't have a
good understanding of the PosgreSQL development practices.

 But at a first glance the syntax looks like  pure  evil.  I  see
that  this  is somewhat common as of now (clickhouse, your refer-
enced questdb, quasar db) -- but it's bad anyway.  And not really
a standard.

 This  introduces  a  new  keyword to the ridiculous list of key-
 The syntax loosely defines what preference it wants, by extract-
ing some vague set of ordering operators from the join condition.
 Also,  only  one  asof value is allowed (there may be more of it

 Perhaps, if we've got to some syntax -- than something like
in  joins,  just before the ON join_condition or USING() could be
much better.
 This allows to
   1) Easily separate just conditions from the likehood ones.  No
deep  analysis  of  a  condition expression necessary. No need to
have another list of all the possible ranking functions and oper-
   2) Have ordering preference for many ranking conditions.  Like
ORDER BY secondary_field IS NOT NULL DESC, time_difference, reli-
   3) Have more than one row returned for a joined table.

 But  anyways  this  looks  like  just a syntactic sugar. LATERAL
JOINS should logically work just fine.  Any  optimisation  should
deal with the LATERAL syntax style anyway.

> Besides an inequality condition on timestamp, such join can also have
> equality conditions on other columns. For example, this query joins
> two tables that contain bids and asks, finding the most recent task
> for each bid for given financial instrument:
> ```sql
> SELECT bids.ts timebid, bid, ask
> FROM bids
> ASOF JOIN asks ON bid.instrument = ask.instrument
> AND ask.ts <= bid.ts;
> ```
> Semantically, this is equivalent to the following correlated subquery:
> ```sql
> SELECT bids.ts timebid, bid, ask
> FROM bids,
>     LATERAL (select * from asks
>         WHERE asks.instrument = bids.instrument AND asks.ts <= bids.ts
>         ORDER BY ts DESC LIMIT 1) t;
> ```
> This form is useful to think about which optimizations we can perform
> with an ASOF join, how it behaves with respect to other joins, and so
> on.
> QuestDB has some good docs on this with more examples:
> https://questdb.io/docs/reference/sql/join/#asof-join
> What Conditions Work with ASOF Join
> Conditions for an ASOF join consist of one inequality condition (>=
> etc), and optionally a number of equality conditions. All these
> conditions must be "mergejoinable" in PG terms -- they must belong to
> a btree operator family, which means there is a sorting operator that
> corresponds to the condition, which means we can perform a merge join.
> They also must support hashing because we'll probably need both
> sorting and hashing for implementation (see below). This holds for the
> usual data types like numeric. It is natural to think of the
> inequality column as "time", but technically it can be any column,
> even a string one, w/o changing the algorithm.
> Join variants
> The purpose of ASOF join is interpolation of one time series to match
> another, so it is natural to think of it as an INNER join. The outer
> variants might be less useful. Technically, it is easy to extend it to
> LEFT ASOF JOIN, where we would output nulls for the right hand columns
> if we haven???t yet seen a match. RIGHT and FULL variants also make
> sense, but the implementation may be impossible, depending on the
> algorithm -- merge and hash joins can support these variants, but the
> nested loop cannot.
> Use in Combination with Normal Joins
> The difference of ASOF join from normal join is that for the
> inequality condition, it does not output all the rows that match it,
> but only the most recent one. We can think of it as first performing a
> normal join and then applying a filter that selects the latest right
> hand row. Which row is the "latest" depends on the entire set of rows
> that match the join conditions (same as with LIMIT). This means that
> the result of ASOF join may depend on the place in the join tree where
> it is evaluated, because other joins may remove some rows. Similar to
> outer joins, we must respect the user-specified join order for an ASOF
> join. It is useful to think about pushing another join below an ASOF
> join as pushing a join below a correlated subquery with LIMIT (see
> above). This transformation might be correct in some cases, so we
> might later think about adding some optimization for join order for
> ASOF join.
> Proposed Syntax
> ASOF join is semantically distinct from a normal join on the same
> conditions, so it requires separate grammar. ASOF modifier + listing
> all the conditions in the ON section, looks like a good baseline:
> `bids ASOF JOIN asks ON asks.timestamp <= bids.timestamp AND
> asks.instrument = bids.instrument`
> Algorithms
> Let's see which algorithm we can use to perform an ASOF join if we
> have a "<=" condition on timestamp and several "=" conditions on other
> columns (equi-columns).
> 1. Hash on Equi-keys
> This is what ClickHouse uses. It builds a hash table on equi columns,
> then for each equi-key builds an array of timestamps, sorted on
> demand. This requires bringing the entire right hand table into
> memory, so not feasible for large tables.
> 2. Merge Join on (equi-keys, timestamp) Sorting
> This is a natural extension of the merge join algorithm, but instead
> of returning all keys for the timestamp column, it returns only the
> latest one. A drawback of this algorithm is that the data must be
> sorted on timestamp last, so we can't reuse the natural ordering of
> the time series data encoded by a (timestamp) index. We will have to
> sort both tables entirely in different order, which is prohibitively
> costly for large tables. Another way is to create an index on
> (equi-keys, timestamp). This would allow us to perform a merge ASOF
> join in linear time, but has several drawbacks. First, it requires
> maintaining an additional index which costs space and time (the
> (timestamp) index we have to have anyway). Second, the time series
> data is naturally ordered on timestamp, so even w/o CLUSTER, the
> locality in time translates somewhat into the locality in page space.
> Reading the table in (equi-keys, timestamp) order would require
> essentially random access with frequent switching between chunks, in
> contrast to reading in (timestamp) order which reads from a single
> chunk. So this algorithm is probably going to be less performant than
> the one using (timestamp) sorting, described next. The good part of
> this algorithm is that with a dedicated (equi-keys, timestamp) index,
> it requires constant memory, so it still can be useful in case of high
> cardinality of equi-keys.
> 3. Merge-Hash on (timestamp) Sorting
> If we sort first on timestamp, we can reuse the natural order of
> time-series data, often encoded by the index on (timestamp). This
> approach would allow us to process data in streaming fashion, w/o
> sorting everything again, which makes it feasible for really large
> tables. Let's see what algorithm we can use to perform an ASOF join in
> this case. Suppose we have left and right input stream sorted on
> (timestamp). We will need to use an additional data structure -- a
> hash table indexed by the equi keys. The algorithm is as follows:
> a. For a given left row, advance the right table until right timestamp
> > left timestamp.
> b. While we advance the right table, put each right hand row into the
> hash table indexed by the equi keys. Overwrite the previous row with
> the same keys, if there was any.
> c. We have finished advancing the right table. The hash table now
> contains the most recent right hand row for every value of equi-keys.
> Most recent because the right hand table is sorted by (timestamp).
> d. For the left row, look up a right row that matches it by the equi
> keys in the hash table. This is the right hand row that matches the
> ASOF join conditions (equi-keys are equal, left timestamp >= right
> timestamp, right timestamp is maximal for the given equi-keys). Output
> the result.
> e. Go to the next left row. The left table is also sorted on
> (timestamp), so we won't need to rewind the right table, only to
> advance it forward.
> Given the sorted input paths, this algorithm is linear time in size of
> the tables. A drawback of this algorithm is that it requires memory
> proportional to the cardinality of the equi-columns. A possible
> optimization is to split the equi-key hash table into hot and cold
> parts by LRU, and dump the cold part to disk. This would help if each
> equi-key only occurs for a small period of time.
> 4. Nested Loop
> An efficient nested loop plan has to have a fast right-side subplan,
> such as an index lookup. Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to
> efficiently perform a last-point lookup for given equi-keys, if we
> have separate btree indexes on timestamp and equi-keys. The nested
> loop plan could work if we have a (timestamp, equi-keys) btree index.
> Prototype Implementation
> For a prototype, I'd go with #3 "merge-something with a hash table of
> most recent rows for equi-keys", because it works for big tables and
> can reuse the physical data ordering.
> I'll be glad to hear your thoughts on this.
> --
> Alexander Kuzmenkov
> Timescale

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