Hello Michael,

thanks for your hard work and quick response!
It is very convenient to only use VS2022 for Windows from now on...

>Diff unrelated to your patch.      

Sorry for the copysoft problem from the first version.

>Glad to see that we should have nothing to do about locales this
>time.  I have not tested, but I think that you covering all the areas
>that need a refresh here.  Nice work.

I think it is almost impossible to overestimate the value of such support from 
experienced hackers to others starting their journey right now...

I hope I can motivate you (and other experienced hackers) to give me some more 
support on my real project arriving anytime soon. It addresses hex_encoding 
(and more) targetting mostly pg_dump, but requires also some deeper knowledge 
of general infrastructure and building (also on Windows). Stay tuned!

PS: Does anybody have good relations to EDB suggesting them to target VS2022 as 
the build environment for the upcoming PG15 release?

postgres=# select version ();
 PostgreSQL 14.1, compiled by Visual C++ build 1931, 64-bit
(1 row)


Hans Buschmann

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