On Fri, 2021-12-03 at 17:03 +0300, Andrei Zubkov wrote:
> I've added the following fields to the pg_stat_statements view:
>     min_plan_time_local float8,
>     max_plan_time_local float8,
>     min_exec_time_local float8,
>     max_exec_time_local float8
> and a function that is able to reset those fields:
> CREATE FUNCTION pg_stat_statements_reset_local(IN userid Oid DEFAULT
> 0,
>         IN dbid Oid DEFAULT 0,
>         IN queryid bigint DEFAULT 0
> )
> It resets the local fields mentioned above and updates the new field
>     local_stats_since timestamp with time zone
> with the current timestamp. All other statement statistics are
> remains
> unchanged. 

After adding new fields to pg_stat_statements view it looks a little
bit overloaded. Furthermore, fields in this view have different

What if we'll create a new view for such resettable fields? It will
make description of views and reset functions in the docs much more
Andrei Zubkov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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