On Mon, Dec 06, 2021 at 04:35:07PM +0900, Masahiko Sawada wrote:
> I've attached a patch to add replication origin information to
> xact_desc_prepare().


+   if (origin_id != InvalidRepOriginId)
+       appendStringInfo(buf, "; origin: node %u, lsn %X/%X, at %s",
+                        origin_id,
+                        LSN_FORMAT_ARGS(parsed.origin_lsn),
+                        timestamptz_to_str(parsed.origin_timestamp));

Shouldn't you check for parsed.origin_lsn instead?  The replication
origin is stored there as far as I read EndPrepare().

Commit records check after XACT_XINFO_HAS_ORIGIN, but
xact_desc_abort() may include this information for ROLLBACK PREPARED 
transactions so we could use the same logic as xact_desc_commit() for
the abort case, no?

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