On Fri, Jan 07, 2022 at 03:53:51PM +0000, Finnerty, Jim wrote:
> I'd still like a plan to retire the "double xmax" representation eventually.  
> Previously I suggested that this could be done as a post-process, before 
> upgrade is complete, but that could potentially make upgrade very slow. 
> Another way to retire the "double xmax" representation eventually could be to 
> disallow "double xmax" pages in subsequent major version upgrades (e.g. to 
> PG16, if "double xmax" pages are introduced in PG15).  This gives the luxury 
> of time after a fast upgrade to convert all pages to contain the epochs, 
> while still providing a path to more maintainable code in the future.

Yes, but how are you planning to rewrite it?  Is vacuum enough?
I suppose it'd need FREEZE + DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING ?

This would preclude upgrading "across" v15.  Maybe that'd be okay, but it'd be
a new and atypical restriction.

How would you enforce that it'd been run on v15 before upgrading to pg16 ?

You'd need to track whether vacuum had completed the necessary steps in pg15.
I don't think it'd be okay to make pg_upgrade --check to read every tuple.

The "keeping track" part is what reminds me of the online checksum patch.
It'd be ideal if there were a generic solution to this kind of task, or at
least a "model" process to follow.


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