On 11/01/2022 15:55, Atsushi Ogawa wrote:
I have created a patch to enable the Boyer-More-Horspool search
algorithm (B-M-H) for LIKE queries.


The conditions under which B-M-H can be used are as follows.

(1) B-M-H in LIKE search supports only single-byte character sets and UTF8.
Multibyte character sets does not support, because it may contain another
characters in the byte sequence. For UTF-8, it works fine, because in
UTF-8 the byte sequence of one character cannot contain another character.

You can make it work with any encoding, if you check for that case after you find a match. See how text_position() does it.

(3) The pattern string should be at least 4 characters.
For example, '%AB%' can use B-M-H.

To be precise, the patch checks that the pattern string is at least 4 *bytes* long. A pattern like E'%\U0001F418%' would benefit too.

If I'm reading the code correctly, it doesn't account for escapes correctly. It will use B-M-H for a pattern like '%\\%', even though that's just searching for a single backslash and won't benefit from B-M-H.

(4) The first and last character of the pattern string should be '%'.

I wonder if we can do better than that. If you have a pattern like '%foo%bar', its pretty obvious (to a human) that you can quickly check if the string ends in 'bar', and then check if it also contains the substring 'foo'. Is there some way to generalize that?

Looking at MatchText() in like.c, there is this piece of code:

                else if (*p == '%')
                        char            firstpat;

                         * % processing is essentially a search for a text 
position at
                         * which the remainder of the text matches the 
remainder of the
                         * pattern, using a recursive call to check each 
potential match.
                         * If there are wildcards immediately following the %, 
we can skip
                         * over them first, using the idea that any sequence of 
N _'s and
                         * one or more %'s is equivalent to N _'s and one % 
(ie, it will
                         * match any sequence of at least N text characters).  
In this way
                         * we will always run the recursive search loop using a 
                         * fragment that begins with a literal 
character-to-match, thereby
                         * not recursing more than we have to.
                        NextByte(p, plen);

                        while (plen > 0)
                                if (*p == '%')
                                        NextByte(p, plen);
                                else if (*p == '_')
                                        /* If not enough text left to match the 
pattern, ABORT */
                                        if (tlen <= 0)
                                                return LIKE_ABORT;
                                        NextChar(t, tlen);
                                        NextByte(p, plen);
                                        break;          /* Reached a 
non-wildcard pattern char */

Could we use B-M-H to replace that piece of code?

How does the performance compare with regular expressions? Would it be possible to use this for trivial regular expressions too? Or could we speed up the regexp engine to take advantage of B-M-H, and use it for LIKE? Or something like that?

I have measured the performance with the following query.

Setting up the B-M-H table adds some initialization overhead, so this would be a loss for cases where the LIKE is executed only once, and/or the haystack strings are very small. That's probably OK, the overhead is probably small, and those cases are probably not performance-critical. But would be nice to measure that too.

- Heikki

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