
On 2018-04-02 12:46:25 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> It seemed like the attack you described wasn't all that dependent on
> whether the data is compressed or not: if you can see the size of the
> server's reply to "select ... where account_number = x", you can pretty
> well tell the difference between 0 and 1 rows, with or without
> compression.  So I'm still not very clear on what the threat model is.

Imagine that the attacker has control over *parts* of a query. The
server always sends a query like
SELECT mysecret FROM secrets WHERE ...;
but somehow, and there's definitely sneaky ways, there's a second query
sent alongside.
SELECT '$user-defined-string';

If those are compressed together *and* the attacker can observe the size
of the returned result, the attacker can change $user-defined-string
iteratively and infer knowledge about what the contents of mysecret
are. If $user-defined-string and mysecret are the same you're going to
get a smaller total response packet.

One such injection vector that's commonly changable can just be a
username or such.


Andres Freund

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