On 2022-Jan-18, James Coleman wrote:

> Reading the code it seems the only usage (besides
> the boolean activation status also stored there) is in
> TransactionIdGetCommitTsData, and the only consumers of that in core
> appear to be the SQL callable functions to get the latest commit info.
> It is in commit_ts.h though, so I'm guessing someone is using this
> externally (and maybe that's why the feature has the shape it does).

Logical replication is the intended consumer of that info, for the
purposes of conflict handling.  I suppose pglogical uses it, but I don't
know that code myself.

[ ... greps ... ]

Yeah, that function is called from pglogical.

Álvaro Herrera              Valdivia, Chile  —  https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/

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