On Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 9:34 PM David G. Johnston
<david.g.johns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 6:14 PM James Coleman <jtc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm open to the idea of wordsmithing here, of course, but I strongly
>> disagree that this is irrelevant data.
> Ok, but wording aside, only changing a tip in the DDL - Add Table section 
> doesn't seem like a complete fix.  The notes in alter table, where I'd look 
> for such an official directive first, need to be touched as well.
> For the alter table docs maybe change/add to the existing sentence below (I'm 
> in favor of not pointing out that scanning the table doesn't mean we are 
> rewriting it, but maybe I'm making another unwarranted assumption regarding 
> obviousness...).
> "Adding a CHECK or NOT NULL constraint requires scanning the table [but not 
> rewriting it] to verify that existing rows meet the constraint.  It is 
> skipped when done as part of ADD COLUMN unless a table rewrite is required 
> anyway."

I'm looking over the docs again to see how it might be better
structured; point is well taken that we should have it clearly in the
primary place.

> On that note, does the check constraint interplay with the default rewrite 
> avoidance in the same way?

I hadn't checked until you asked, but interestingly, no it doesn't (I
assume you mean scan not rewrite in this context):

test=# select seq_scan from pg_stat_all_tables where relname = 't2';
test=# alter table t2 add column i3 int not null default 5;
test=# select seq_scan from pg_stat_all_tables where relname = 't2';
test=# alter table t2 add column i4 int default 5 check (i4 < 50);
test=# select seq_scan from pg_stat_all_tables where relname = 't2';

That seems like an opportunity for improvement here, though it's
obviously a separate patch. I might poke around at that though

> For the Tip I'd almost rather redo it to say:
> "Before PostgreSQL 11, adding a new column to a table required rewriting that 
> table, making it a very slow operation.  More recent versions can sometimes 
> optimize away this rewrite and related validation scans.  See the notes in 
> ALTER TABLE for details."
> Though I suppose I'd accept something like (leave existing text, alternative 
> patch text):
> "[...]large tables.\nIf the added column also has a not null constraint the 
> usual verification scan is also skipped."
> "constant" is used in the Tip, "non-volatile" is used in alter table - hence 
> a desire to have just one source of truth, with alter table being the correct 
> place.  We should sync them up otherwise.

As noted I'll look over how restructuring might improve and reply with
an updated proposed patch.

James Coleman

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