Alexander Pyhalov <> writes:
> So far I have the following prototype. It seems to be working, but I 
> think it can be enhanced.
> At least, some sort of caching seems to be necessary for 
> is_stable_expr().

Yeah, from a performance standpoint this seems pretty horrid ---
it's probably exponential in the size of the expressions considered
because of the repeated recursions.

The approach I had in mind was to extend the responsibility of
foreign_expr_walker to make it deduce the classification of
an expression in a bottom-up fashion.  Also, as I noted before,
we don't want to re-deduce that in a later deparse pass, so
maybe we should just go ahead and deparse during foreign_expr_walker.
Not sure about that part.  It sounds expensive; but recording the
classification results in a way we could re-use later doesn't seem
too cheap either.

BTW, the patch is just about unreadable as-is.  It would have been
better to not have re-indented the bulk of foreign_expr_walker,
leaving that for some later pgindent pass.  But that may be moot,
because I don't think we can tolerate the double-recursion approach
you took here.

                        regards, tom lane

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