Andres Freund <> writes:
> No, not really. There generally seems to be very little documentation about
> what one is supposed to use when embedding python (rather than building a
> python module). The only thing I really see is:


> which says to use python-config.

Yeah :-(.  I don't really want to go there, because it will break
existing setups.  An example is that on a few machines I have
pointed the build to non-default Python installations by doing
things like
        ln -s /path/to/desired/python ~/bin/python3
So there's no matching python-config in my PATH at all.
Yeah, I can change that, but that would be a dealbreaker for
back-patching this, I think.

Getting back to the INCLUDEPY solution: I see nothing equivalent
to that for the "platform-dependent include directory".  But maybe
we don't really need that?  Not clear.

                        regards, tom lane

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