On Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 06:56:57PM +0800, Julien Rouhaud wrote:
> What it's showing is the "currently ongoing checkpoint or last completed
> checkpoint" kind.

Ah after double checking I see it's storing the information *after* the
checkpoint completion, so it's indeed the last completed checkpoint.  I'm not
sure how useful it can be, but ok.

> Also, it's only showing the initial triggering conditions of checkpoints.
> For instance, if a timed checkpoint is started and then a backend executes a
> "CHECKPOINT;", it will upgrade the ongoing checkpoint with additional flags 
> but
> AFAICS those new flags won't be saved to the control file.

This one is still valid I think, it's only storing the initial flags and not
the possibly upgraded one in shmem.

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