On Wed, Feb 02, 2022 at 01:00:18PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Agreed, we're not here to cause make-work for submitters.  RWF is
> appropriate if the patch has been in Waiting On Author for awhile
> and doesn't seem to be going anywhere, but otherwise we should
> just punt it to the next CF.

FWIW, I just apply a two-week rule here, as of half the commit fest
period to let people the time to react:
- If a patch has been waiting on author since the 15th of January,
mark it as RwF.
- If it has been left as waiting on author after the 15th of January,
move it to the next CF.

> Anyway, thanks to Julien for doing this mostly-thankless task
> this time!


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