On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 11:45 PM Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 8:58 AM Dilip Kumar <dilipbal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > TODO:
> > - This is just a POC patch to discuss the design idea and needs a lot
> > of improvement and testing.
> > - We are using a slightly different format for storing the dead tids
> > into the conveyor belt which is explained in the patch but the
> > traditional multi-pass vacuum is still using the same format (array of
> > ItemPointeData), so we need to unify that format.
> > - Performance testing.
> > - Cleaner interfaces so that we can easily be integrated with auto
> > vacuum, currently, this is not provided for the manual vacuum.
> > - Add test cases.
> I think this is a pretty interesting piece of work. I appreciate the
> effort you've obviously put into the comments, although I do think
> some of them are going to need some additional clarification. But I
> think the bigger questions here at the moment are things like (1) Is
> this the right idea? and if not (2) How could we change it to make it
> better? and (3) Is there any way that we can make it simpler? It was
> the last of these questions that prompted me to post
> http://postgr.es/m/ca+tgmoy18rzqqdm2je2wdkia8ngtedhp7ulthb3a-abs+wb...@mail.gmail.com
> because, if that thought were to work out, then we could have more
> things in common between the conveyor-belt and non-conveyor-belt
> cases, and we might be able to start with some preliminary work to
> jigger more things in to the second phase, and then look to integrate
> the conveyor belt stuff separately.

I agree that if we can do something like that then integrating the
conveyor belt will be much cleaner.

> My second thought was that perhaps we can create a test scenario
> where, in one index, the deduplication and bottom-up index deletion
> and kill_prior_tuple mechanisms are very effective, and in another
> index, it's not effective at all. For example, maybe index A is an
> index on the primary key, and index B is a non-unique index on some
> column that we're updating with ever-increasing values (so that we
> never put new tuples into a page that could be productively cleaned
> up). I think what should happen in this case is that A should not grow
> in size even if it's never vacuumed, while B will require vacuuming to
> keep the size down. If this example isn't exactly right, maybe we can
> construct one where that does happen. Then we could try to demonstrate
> that with this patch we can do less vacuuming work and still keep up
> than what would be possible without the patch. We'll either be able to
> show that this is true, or we will see that it's false, or we won't be
> able to really see much difference. Any of those would be interesting
> findings.


> One thing we could try doing in order to make that easier would be:
> tweak things so that when autovacuum vacuums the table, it only
> vacuums the indexes if they meet some threshold for bloat. I'm not
> sure exactly what happens with the heap vacuuming then - do we do
> phases 1 and 2 always, or a combined heap pass, or what? But if we
> pick some criteria that vacuums indexes sometimes and not other times,
> we can probably start doing some meaningful measurement of whether
> this patch is making bloat better or worse, and whether it's using
> fewer or more resources to do it.

I think we can always trigger phase 1 and 2 and phase 2 will only
vacuum conditionally based on if all the indexes are vacuumed for some
conveyor belt pages so we don't have risk of scanning without marking
anything unused.  And we can try to measure with other approaches as
well where we completely avoid phase 2 and it will be done only along
with phase 1 whenever applicable.

> Do you have a git branch for this work?

Yeah, my repository: https://github.com/dilipbalaut11/conveyor_test
branch: DecouplingIndexAndHeapVacuumUsingCB

Dilip Kumar
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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