
On 2022-02-13 09:35:47 -0500, Joseph Koshakow wrote:
> I chose int return types to keep all these methods
> consistent with DecodeInterval, which returns a
> non-zero int to indicate an error.

That's different, because it actually returns different types of errors. IMO
that difference is actually reason to use a bool for the new cases, because
then it's a tad clearer that they don't return DTERR_*.

> Though I wasn't sure
> if an int or bool would be best, so I'm happy to change
> to bool if people think that's better.

+1 or bool.

> Also I'm realizing now that I've incorrectly been using the
> number of the patch to indicate the version, instead of just
> sticking a v3 to the front. So sorry about that, all the patches
> I sent in this thread are the same patch, just different versions.

No worries ;)

Do we want to consider backpatching these fixes? If so, I'd argue for skipping
10, because it doesn't have int.h stuff yet. There's also the issue with
potentially breaking indexes / constraints? Not that goes entirely away across
major versions...


Andres Freund

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