On 2/11/22 20:12, Tomas Vondra wrote:

On 2/11/22 05:29, Andrey V. Lepikhov wrote:
On 2/11/22 03:37, Tomas Vondra wrote:
That being said, this thread was not really about foreign partitions,
but about re-analyzing inheritance trees in general. And sampling
foreign partitions doesn't really solve that - we'll still do the
sampling over and over.
IMO, to solve the problem we should do two things:
1. Avoid repeatable partition scans in the case inheritance tree.
2. Avoid to re-analyze everything in the case of active changes in small subset of partitions.

For (1) i can imagine a solution like multiplexing: on the stage of defining which relations to scan, group them and prepare parameters of scanning to make multiple samples in one shot.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by multiplexing. The term usually means "sending multiple signals at once" but I'm not sure how that applies to this issue. Can you elaborate?

I suppose to make a set of samples in one scan: one sample for plane table, another - for a parent and so on, according to the inheritance tree. And cache these samples in memory. We can calculate all parameters of reservoir method to do it.

sample might be used for estimation of clauses directly.
You mean, to use them in difficult cases, such of estimation of grouping over APPEND ?

But it requires storing the sample somewhere, and I haven't found a good and simple way to do that. We could serialize that into bytea, or we could create a new fork, or something, but what should that do with oversized attributes (how would TOAST work for a fork) and/or large samples (which might not fit into 1GB bytea)?
This feature looks like meta-info over a database. It can be stored in separate relation. It is not obvious that we need to use it for each relation, for example, with large samples. I think, it can be controlled by a table parameter.

Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional

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