> On 22 Nov 2021, at 14:05, Michail Nikolaev <michail.nikol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Write barrier must be issued after write, not before.
>> Don't we need to issue read barrier too?
> The write barrier is issued after the changes to KnownAssignedXidsNext
> and KnownAssignedXidsValid arrays and before the update of
> headKnownAssignedXids.
> So, it seems to be correct. We make sure once the CPU sees changes of
> headKnownAssignedXids - underlying arrays contain all the required
> data.

Patch on barrier seems too complicated to me right now. I’d propose to focus on 
KnowAssignedXidsNext patch: it’s clean, simple and effective.

I’ve rebased the patch so that it does not depend on previous step. Please 
check out it’s current state, if you are OK with it - let’s mark the patch 
Ready for Committer. Just maybe slightly better commit message would make the 
patch easier to understand.

Thanks! Best regards, Andrey Borodin.

Attachment: v4-0001-Use-linked-list-to-improve-KnownAssignedXids-perf.patch
Description: Binary data

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