Robert Haas <> writes:
> ... Suppose the superuser grants "admin" to both "joe" and "sally".
> Now "joe" can SET ROLE to "admin" and revoke it from "sally", and the
> superuser has no tool to prevent this.


regression=# grant admin to joe;
regression=# grant admin to sally;
regression=# \c - joe
You are now connected to database "regression" as user "joe".
regression=> revoke admin from sally;
ERROR:  must have admin option on role "admin"
regression=> set role admin;
regression=> revoke admin from sally;
ERROR:  must have admin option on role "admin"

I think there is an issue here around exactly what the admin option
means, but if it doesn't grant you the ability to remove grants
made by other people, it's pretty hard to see what it's for.

                        regards, tom lane

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