Magnus Hagander <> writes:
> But taking a step back, who is the actual audience for this? Do we
> *need* a link pointing directly there, or is it enough to just point
> to "use the docs on the web"? We can't link to the incorrect version,
> but can we just link to /docs/ and leave it at that?

Well, it's people compiling from source, so I guess we can assume some
amount of cluefulness?  I think perhaps it'd be okay to say "go here
and then navigate to the proper sub-page for your version".

> If not, could we make the change of URL a part of the branching step?
> Branch to a stable release would the include modifying README, and be
> mad ea step of

Doesn't really help people working from git, I think, because the
master branch is always going to claim to be "devel" even when you
rewind it to some old state.  Maybe we can assume people doing
such a thing have even more clue ... but on the whole I'd rather
not add the additional complication.

                        regards, tom lane

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