On Fri, Mar 11, 2022 at 11:34 AM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Note that either case would also involve making entries in pg_shdepend;
> although for the case of roles owned by/granted to the bootstrap
> superuser, we could omit those on the usual grounds that we don't need
> to record dependencies on pinned objects.

That makes sense to me, but it still doesn't solve the problem of
agreeing on role ownership vs. WITH ADMIN OPTION vs. something else.

I find it ironic (and frustrating) that Mark implemented what I think
is basically what you're arguing for, it got stuck because Stephen
didn't like it, we then said OK so let's try to find out what Stephen
would like, only to have you show up and say that it's right the way
he already had it. I'm not saying that you're wrong, or for that
matter that he's wrong. I'm just saying that if both of you are
absolutely bent on having it the way you want it, either one of you is
going to be sad, or we're not going to make any progress.

Never mind the fact that neither of you seem interested in even giving
a hearing to my preferred way of doing it. :-(

Robert Haas
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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