On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 4:27 PM Imseih (AWS), Sami <sims...@amazon.com> wrote:
> >    BTW have we discussed another idea I mentioned before that we have the
> >    leader process periodically check the number of completed indexes and
> >    advertise it in its progress information? I'm not sure which one is
> >    better but this idea would require only changes of vacuum code and
> >    probably simpler than the current idea.
> >    Regards,
> If I understand correctly,  to accomplish this we will need to have the leader
> check the number of indexes completed In the ambukdelete or amvacuumcleanup
> callbacks. These routines do not know about  PVIndStats, and they are called
> by both parallel and non-parallel vacuums.
> From what I can see, PVIndstats will need to be passed down to these routines
> or pass a NULL for non-parallel vacuums.

Can the leader pass a callback that checks PVIndStats to ambulkdelete
an amvacuumcleanup callbacks? I think that in the passed callback, the
leader checks if the number of processed indexes and updates its
progress information if the current progress needs to be updated.


Masahiko Sawada
EDB:  https://www.enterprisedb.com/

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