>>> > Even applying this patch, "make postgres-A4.pdf" arises the warning on my
>>> > machine. After some investigations, I found that previous document had a 
>>> > break
>>> > after 'num_transactions', but it has been removed due to this commit.
>>> Yes, your patch removed "&zwsp;".
>>> > So,
>>> > I would like to get back this as it was. I attached the patch.
>>> This produces errors. Needs ";" postfix?
>> Oops. Yes, it needs ';'. Also, I found another "&zwsp;" dropped.
>> I attached the fixed patch.
> Basic problem with this patch is, this may solve the issue with pdf
> generation but this does not solve the issue with HTML generation. The
> PDF manual of pgbench has ridiculously long line, which Tom Lane
I meant "HTML manual" here.

> complained too:
> interval_start num_transactions​ sum_latency sum_latency_2 min_latency 
> max_latency​ { failures | serialization_failures deadlock_failures } [ 
> sum_lag sum_lag_2 min_lag max_lag [ skipped ] ] [ retried retries ]
> Why can't we use just line feeds instead of &zwsp;? Although it's not
> a command usage but the SELECT manual already uses line feeds to
> nicely break into multiple lines of command usage.
> Best reagards,
> --
> Tatsuo Ishii
> SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
> English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php
> Japanese:http://www.sraoss.co.jp

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