On Mon, May 2, 2022 at 7:30 PM David Rowley <dgrowle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 3 May 2022 at 13:43, David G. Johnston
> <david.g.johns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > hit_ratio = (est_entries / ndistinct) - (ndistinct / calls) || clamp to
> 0.0
> > I don't understand the adjustment factor ndistinct/calls
> I've attached a spreadsheet showing you the impact of subtracting
> (ndistinct / calls).  What this is correcting for is the fact that the
> first scan from each unique value is a cache miss.  The more calls we
> have, the more hits we'll get.  If there was only 1 call per distinct
> value then there'd never be any hits. Without subtracting (ndistinct /
> calls) and assuming there's space in the cache for each ndistinct
> value, we'd assume 100% cache hit ratio if calls == ndistinct.  What
> we should assume in that case is a 0% hit ratio as the first scan for
> each distinct parameter must always be a miss as we've never had a
> chance to cache any tuples for it yet.
Thank you.  I understand the theory and agree with it - but the math
doesn't seem to be working out.

Plugging in:
n = 2,000
e = 500
c = 10,000

proper = 5%
incorrect = 25%

But of the 10,000 calls we will receive, the first 2,000 will be
misses while 2,000 of the remaining 8,000 will be hits, due to sharing
2,000 distinct groups among the available inventory of 500 (25% of 8,000 is
2,000).  2,000 hits in 10,000 calls yields 20%.

I believe the correct formula to be:

((calls - ndistinct) / calls) * (est_entries / ndistinct) = hit_ratio
.80 * .25 = .20

First we recognize that our hit ratio can be at most c-n/c since n misses
are guaranteed.  We take that ratio and scale it by our cache efficiency
since of the remaining hits that fraction will turn into misses due to the
relevant cache not being in memory.

David J.

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