> I do agree that the perf report does indicate that the extra time is taken 
> due to
> some large amount of memory being allocated. I just can't quite see how that
> would happen in Memoize given that
> estimate_num_groups() clamps the distinct estimate as the number of input
> rows, which is 91 in both cases in your problem query.
> Are you able to run the Memoize query in psql with \watch 0.1 for a few 
> seconds
> while you do:
> perf record --call-graph dwarf --pid <pid> sleep 2
> then send along the perf report.
> I locally hacked build_hash_table() in nodeMemoize.c to make the hashtable 100
> million elements and I see my perf report for a trivial Memoize query come up
> as:
> Failing that, are you able to pg_dump these tables and load them into a
> PostgreSQL instance that you can play around with and patch?
> Provided you can actually recreate the problem on that instance.

+1 to what David says, we need a reproducer. In [1] Pavel wrote that he's 
having a lot of clear_page_erms(), so maybe this will be a little help: I 
recall having similar issue having a lot of minor page faults and high %sys 
when raising work_mem. For me it was different issue some time ago, but it was 
something like build_hash_table() being used by UNION recursive calls -> 
BuildTupleHashTable() -> .. malloc() -> mmap64().  When mmap() is issued with 
MAP_ANONYMOUS the kernel will zero out the memory (more memory -> potentially 
bigger CPU waste visible as minor page faults; erms stands for "Enhanced REP 
MOVSB/STOSB"; this is on kernel side). The culprit was planner allocating 
something that wouldn't be used later.

Additional three ways to figure that one (all are IMHO production safe):
a) already mentioned perf with --call-graph dwarf -p PID
b) strace -p PID -e 'mmap' # verify if mmap() NULL is not having MAP_ANONYMOUS 
flag, size of mmap() request will somehow match work_mem sizing
c) gdb -p PID and then breakpoint for mmap and verify each mmap() # check 

[1] - 


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