
There are some cases that power() function does not work 
correctly with 'NaN' arguments in Windows environment.
Something like,

postgres=# select power('NaN',11);
ERROR:  value out of range: underflow
postgres=# select power('NaN','NaN');
ERROR:  value out of range: underflow
postgres=# select power(11,'NaN');
ERROR:  value out of range: underflow

In Linux environment, instead of ERROR it returns 'NaN'.

The reason here is,
When pow() in float.c:dpow() is called with 'NaN' arguments,
pow() returns 'NaN' but in Windows environment errno is set to 
EDOM(invalid floating-point exception).
So, PostgreSQL update "result" and cause an ERROR in CHECKFLOATVAL macro.

I think it should be return 'NaN' in all of above cases.
I have tried to create a patch to fix it.
Please confirm the attached file.

Thanks and best regards,
Dang Minh Huong
NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd.

Attachment: power_NaN.PATCH
Description: power_NaN.PATCH

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