On Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 2:07 PM David G. Johnston
<david.g.johns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Current:
> "The SET and WHERE clauses in ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE have access to the
> existing row using the table's name (or an alias), and to [rows] proposed
> for insertion using the special excluded table."
> The word table in that sentence is wrong and not a useful way to think of the 
> thing which we've named excluded.  It is a single value of a composite type 
> having the structure of the named table.

I think that your reasoning is correct, but I don't agree with your
conclusion. The term "special excluded table" is a fudge, but that
isn't necessarily a bad thing. Sure, we could add something about the
UPDATE being similar to an UPDATE with a self-join, as I said
upthread. But I think that that would make the concept harder to

> I'll agree that most people will mentally paper over the difference and go 
> merrily on their way.  At least one person recently did not do that, which 
> prompted an email to the community

Can you provide a reference for this? Didn't see anything like that in
the reference you gave upthread.

I have a hard time imagining a user that reads the INSERT docs and
imagines that "excluded" is a relation that is visible to the query in
ways that are not limited to expression evaluation for the UPDATE's
WHERE/SET. The way that it works (and doesn't work) follows naturally
from what a user would want to do in order to upsert. MySQL's INSERT
... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE feature has a magical UPSERT-only
expression instead of "excluded".

Peter Geoghegan

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