Hi Alexander,

> I'm going to need more time to meditate on the proposed changes and to figure 
> out the performance impact.

OK, turned out this patch is slightly more complicated than I
initially thought, but I think I managed to get some vague
understanding of what's going on.

I tried to reproduce the case with concurrently updated tuples you
described on the current `master` branch. I created a new table:

CREATE TABLE phonebook(
  "name" NAME NOT NULL,
  "phone" INT NOT NULL);

INSERT INTO phonebook ("name", "phone")
VALUES ('Alice', 123), ('Bob', 456), ('Charlie', 789);

Then I opened two sessions and attached them with LLDB. I did:

(lldb) b heapam_tuple_update
(lldb) c

... in both cases because I wanted to see two calls (steps 2 and 4) to
heapam_tuple_update() and check the return values.

Then I did:

session1 =# BEGIN;
session2 =# BEGIN;
session1 =# UPDATE phonebook SET name = 'Alex' WHERE name = 'Alice';

This update succeeds and I see heapam_tuple_update() returning TM_Ok.

session2 =# UPDATE phonebook SET name = 'Alfred' WHERE name = 'Alice';

This update hangs on a lock.

session1 =# COMMIT;

Now session2 unfreezes and returns 'UPDATE 0'. table_tuple_update()
was called once and returned TM_Updated. Also session2 sees an updated
tuple now. So apparently the visibility check (step 3) didn't pass.

At this point I'm slightly confused. I don't see where a performance
improvement is expected, considering that session2 gets blocked until
session1 commits.

Could you please walk me through here? Am I using the right test case
or maybe you had another one in mind? Which steps do you consider
expensive and expect to be mitigated by the patch?

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

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