On Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 8:16 AM Masahiko Sawada <sawada.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > > I think that at this stage it's better to define the design first. For
> > > example, key size and value size, and these sizes are fixed or can be
> > > set the arbitary size?
> >
> > I don't think we need to start over. Andres' prototype had certain
> > design decisions built in for the intended use case (although maybe
> > not clearly documented as such). Subsequent patches in this thread
> > substantially changed many design aspects. If there were any changes
> > that made things wonderful for vacuum, it wasn't explained, but Andres
> > did explain how some of these changes were not good for other uses.
> > Going to fixed 64-bit keys and values should still allow many future
> > applications, so let's do that if there's no reason not to.
> I thought Andres pointed out that given that we store BufferTag (or
> part of that) into the key, the fixed 64-bit keys might not be enough
> for buffer mapping use cases. If we want to use wider keys more than
> 64-bit, we would need to consider it.

It sounds like you've answered your own question, then. If so, I'm
curious what your current thinking is.

If we *did* want to have maximum flexibility, then "single-value
leaves" method would be the way to go, since it seems to be the
easiest way to have variable-length both keys and values. I do have a
concern that the extra pointer traversal would be a drag on
performance, and also require lots of small memory allocations. If we
happened to go that route, your idea upthread of using a bitmapset of
item offsets in the leaves sounds like a good fit for that.

I also have some concerns about also simultaneously trying to design
for the use for buffer mappings. I certainly want to make this good
for as many future uses as possible, and I'd really like to preserve
any optimizations already fought for. However, to make concrete
progress on the thread subject, I also don't think it's the most
productive use of time to get tied up about the fine details of
something that will not likely happen for several years at the

John Naylor
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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