with_temp_install is repeated twice in prove_check:

> Subject: [PATCH v12 02/15] Split TESTDIR into TESTLOGDIR and TESTDATADIR      
> -   TESTDIR='$(CURDIR)/tmp_check' $(with_temp_install)
>     PGPORT='6$(DEF_PGPORT)' \
> +   TESTLOGDIR='$(CURDIR)/tmp_check/log' $(with_temp_install) \
> +   TESTDATADIR='$(CURDIR)/tmp_check' $(with_temp_install) \
> +   PGPORT='6$(DEF_PGPORT)' \

Before running an individual test like "meson test recovery/017_shm",
it's currently necessary to first manually run "meson test tmp_install".
Is it possible to make that happen automatically ?

You're running tap tests via a python script.  There's no problem with
that, but it's different from what's done by the existing makefiles.
I was able to remove the python indirection - maybe that's better to
talk about on the CI thread?  That moves some setup for TAP tests
(TESTDIR, PATH, cd) from Makefile into the existing perl, which means
less duplication.

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