Hi David.

On 2018/04/19 9:04, David Rowley wrote:
> On 19 April 2018 at 03:13, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 10:46 PM, David Rowley
>> <david.row...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
>>> The patch does happen to improve performance slightly, but that is
>>> most likely due to the caching of the ExprStates rather than the
>>> change of memory management. It's not really possible to do that with
>>> the reset unless we stored the executor's memory context in
>>> PartitionPruneContext and did a context switch back inside
>>> partkey_datum_from_expr before calling ExecInitExpr.
>> 10% is more than a "slight" improvement, I'd say!  It's certainly got
>> to be worth avoiding the repeated calls to ExecInitExpr, whatever we
>> do about the memory contexts.
> I've attached a patch which does just this. On benchmarking again with
> this single change performance has improved 15% over master.
> Also, out of curiosity, I also checked what this performed like before
> the run-time pruning patch was committed (5c0675215). Taking the
> average of the times below, it seems without this patch the
> performance of this case has improved about 356% and about 410% with
> this patch. So, I agree, it might be worth considering.
> create table p (a int, value int) partition by hash (a);
> select 'create table p'||x|| ' partition of p for values with (modulus
> 10, remainder '||x||');' from generate_series(0,9) x;
> \gexec
> create table t1 (a int);
> insert into p select x,x from generate_Series(1,1000) x;
> insert into t1 select x from generate_series(1,1000) x;
> create index on p(a);
> set enable_hashjoin = 0;
> set enable_mergejoin = 0;
> explain analyze select count(*) from t1 inner join p on t1.a=p.a;
> -- Unpatched
> Execution Time: 20413.975 ms
> Execution Time: 20232.050 ms
> Execution Time: 20229.116 ms
> -- Patched
> Execution Time: 17758.111 ms
> Execution Time: 17645.151 ms
> Execution Time: 17492.260 ms
> -- 5c0675215e153ba1297fd494b34af2fdebd645d1
> Execution Time: 72875.161 ms
> Execution Time: 71817.757 ms
> Execution Time: 72411.730 ms

That's neat!  Definitely agree that we should call ExecInitExpr just once
here.  The patch looks good too, except the long line.  Maybe:

@@ -1514,13 +1514,15 @@ ExecSetupPartitionPruneState(PlanState *planstate,
List *partitionpruneinfo)
             foreach(lc3, step->exprs)
                 Expr       *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(lc3);
+                int         step_id = step->step.step_id;

                  * partkey_datum_from_expr does not need an expression state
                  * to evaluate a Const.
                 if (!IsA(expr, Const))
-                    context->exprstates[step->step.step_id * partnatts +
keyno] = ExecInitExpr(expr, context->planstate);
+                    context->exprstates[step_id * partnatts + keyno] =
+                                    ExecInitExpr(expr, context->planstate);


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