Hi Matheus,

> Some months ago I've got my first patch accept [1], and I'm looking to try to
> make other contributions.

In personal experience reviewing other people's code is a good
starting point. Firstly, IMO this is one of the most valuable
contributions, since the community is always short on reviewers.
Secondly, in the process you will learn what the rest of the community
is working on, which patches have good chances to be accepted, and
learn the implementation details of the system.

Additionally I would like to recommend the following materials for self-study:

** Especially the chapter available online about PostgreSQL
* https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSE8ODhjZXjZaHA6QcxDfJ0SIWBzQFKEG
* https://www.timescale.com/blog/how-and-why-to-become-a-postgresql-contributor/

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

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