On 2022-11-25 Fr 18:52, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> On 2022-11-25 Fr 18:48, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
>> For various reasons (see below) it's preferable to build on Windows with
>> Strawberry Perl. This works OK if you're building with Msys2, I upgraded
>> the instance on the machine that runs fairywren and drongo today, and
>> fairywren seems fine. Not so drongo, however. First it encountered a
>> build error, which I attempted to cure using something I found in the
>> vim sources [1]. That worked, but then there's a failure at runtime like
>> this:
>> 2022-11-25 21:33:01.073 UTC [3764:3] pg_regress LOG:  statement: CREATE 
>> src/pl/plperl/Util.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got 
>> handshake key 0000000012800080, needed 0000000012900080)
>> 2022-11-25 21:33:01.100 UTC [5048:5] LOG:  server process (PID 3764) exited 
>> with exit code 1
>> I don't know how to debug this. I'm not sure if there's some flag we
>> could set which would cure it. It looks like a 1 bit difference, but I
>> haven't found what that bit corresponds to.

OK, so this cures the problem for drongo:

diff --git a/src/tools/msvc/Mkvcbuild.pm b/src/tools/msvc/Mkvcbuild.pm
index 83a3e40425..dc6b94b74f 100644
--- a/src/tools/msvc/Mkvcbuild.pm
+++ b/src/tools/msvc/Mkvcbuild.pm
@@ -707,6 +707,7 @@ sub mkvcbuild
                print "CFLAGS recommended by Perl: $Config{ccflags}\n";
                print "CFLAGS to compile embedded Perl: ",
                  (join ' ', map { "-D$_" } @perl_embed_ccflags), "\n";
+               push @perl_embed_ccflags,'NO_THREAD_SAFE_LOCALE';
                foreach my $f (@perl_embed_ccflags)

I'll see if it also works for bowerbird.



Andrew Dunstan
EDB: https://www.enterprisedb.com

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