On Fri, Dec 2, 2022 at 9:18 PM Andrey Borodin <amborodi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> We have statement_timeout, idle_in_transaction_timeout,
> idle_session_timeout and many more! But we have no
> transaction_timeout. I've skimmed thread [0,1] about existing timeouts
> and found no contraindications to implement transaction_timeout.
> Nikolay asked me if I can prototype the feature for testing by him,
> and it seems straightforward. Please find attached. If it's not known
> to be a bad idea - we'll work on it.

Thanks!! It was a super quick reaction to my proposal Honestly, I was
thinking about it for several years, wondering why it's still not

The reasons to have it should be straightforward – here are a couple of
them I can see.

First one. In the OLTP context, we usually have:
- a hard timeout set in application server
- a hard timeout set in HTTP server
- users not willing to wait more than several seconds – and almost never
being ready to wait for more than 30-60s.

If Postgres allows longer transactions (it does since we cannot reliably
limit their duration now, it's always virtually unlimited), it might be
doing the work that nobody is waiting / is needing anymore, speeding
resources, affecting health, etc.

Why we cannot limit transaction duration reliably? The existing timeouts
(namely, statement_timeout + idle_session_timeout) don't protect from
having transactions consisting of a series of small statements and short
pauses between them. If such behavior happens (e.g., a long series of fast
UPDATEs in a loop). It can be dangerous, affecting general DB health (bloat
issues). This is reason number two – DBAs might want to decide to minimize
the cases of long transactions, setting transaction limits globally (and
allowing to set it locally for particular sessions or for some users in
rare cases).

Speaking of the patch – I just tested it (gitpod:
it applies, works as expected for single-statement transactions:

postgres=# set transaction_timeout to '2s';
postgres=# select pg_sleep(3);
ERROR:  canceling transaction due to transaction timeout

But it fails in the "worst" case I've described above – a series of small

postgres=# set transaction_timeout to '2s';
postgres=# begin; select pg_sleep(1); select pg_sleep(1); select
pg_sleep(1); select pg_sleep(1); select pg_sleep(1); commit;

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