On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 5:00 PM Peter Smith <smithpb2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here are some review comments for patch v9-0001:
Hi, thank you for your reviews !

> ======
> 1. min_ prefix?
> What's the significance of the "min_" prefix for this parameter? I'm guessing 
> the
> background is that at one time it was considered to be a GUC so took a name
> similar to GUC recovery_min_apply_delay (??)
> But in practice, I think it is meaningless and/or misleading. For example,
> suppose the user wants to defer replication by 1hr. IMO it is more natural to
> just say "defer replication by 1 hr" (aka
> apply_delay='1hr') Clearly it means replication will take place about
> 1 hr into the future. OTHO saying "defer replication by a MINIMUM of 1 hr" 
> (aka
> min_apply_delay='1hr')  is quite vague because then it is equally valid if the
> replication gets delayed by 1 hr or 2 hrs or 5 days or 3 weeks since all of 
> those
> satisfy the minimum delay. The implementation could hardwire a delay of
> INT_MAX ms but clearly, that's not really what the user would expect.
> ~
> So, I think this parameter should be renamed just as 'apply_delay'.
> But, if you still decide to keep it as 'min_apply_delay' then there is a lot 
> of other
> code that ought to be changed to be consistent with that name.
> e.g.
> - subapplydelay in catalogs.sgml --> subminapplydelay
> - subapplydelay in system_views.sql --> subminapplydelay
> - subapplydelay in pg_subscription.h --> subminapplydelay
> - subapplydelay in dump.h --> subminapplydelay
> - i_subapplydelay in pg_dump.c --> i_subminapplydelay
> - applydelay member name of Form_pg_subscription --> minapplydelay
> - "Apply Delay" for the column name displayed by describe.c --> "Min apply
> delay"
I followed the suggestion to keep the "min_" prefix in [1].

> - more...
> (IMO the fact that so much code does not currently say 'min' at all is just
> evidence that the 'min' prefix really didn't really mean much in the first 
> place)
> ======
> doc/src/sgml/catalogs.sgml
> 2. Section 31.2 Subscription
> +  <para>
> +   Time delayed replica of subscription is available by indicating
> +   <literal>min_apply_delay</literal>. See
> +   <xref linkend="sql-createsubscription"/> for details.
> +  </para>
> How about saying like:
> The subscriber replication can be instructed to lag behind the publisher side
> changes by specifying the <literal>min_apply_delay</literal> subscription
> parameter. See XXX for details.

> ======
> doc/src/sgml/ref/create_subscription.sgml
> 3. min_apply_delay
> +         <para>
> +          By default, subscriber applies changes as soon as possible. As with
> +          the physical replication feature
> +          (<xref linkend="guc-recovery-min-apply-delay"/>), it can be useful
> to
> +          have a time-delayed logical replica. This parameter allows you to
> +          delay the application of changes by a specified amount of time. If
> +          this value is specified without units, it is taken as milliseconds.
> +          The default is zero, adding no delay.
> +         </para>
> "subscriber applies" -> "the subscriber applies"
> "allows you" -> "lets the user"
> "The default is zero, adding no delay." -> "The default is zero (no delay)."

> ~
> 4.
> +          larger than the time deviations between servers. Note that
> +          in the case when this parameter is set to a long value, the
> +          replication may not continue if the replication slot falls behind 
> the
> +          current LSN by more than
> <literal>max_slot_wal_keep_size</literal>.
> +          See more details in <xref linkend="guc-max-slot-wal-keep-size"/>.
> +         </para>
> 4a.
> Note that if this parameter is set to a long delay, the replication will stop 
> if the
> replication slot falls behind the current LSN by more than
> <literal>max_slot_wal_keep_size</literal>.

> ~
> 4b.
> When it is rendered (like below) it looks a bit repetitive:
> ... if the replication slot falls behind the current LSN by more than
> max_slot_wal_keep_size. See more details in max_slot_wal_keep_size.
Thanks! Fixed the redundancy.

> ~
> IMO the previous sentence should include the link.
> if the replication slot falls behind the current LSN by more than <link 
> linkend =
> "guc-max-slot-wal-keep-size"><literal>max_slot_wal_keep_size</literal></lin
> k>.

> ~
> 5.
> +           <para>
> +            Synchronous replication is affected by this setting when
> +            <varname>synchronous_commit</varname> is set to
> +            <literal>remote_write</literal>; every <literal>COMMIT</literal>
> +            will need to wait to be applied.
> +           </para>
> Yes, this deserves a big warning -- but I am just not quite sure of the 
> details. I
> think this impacts more than just "remote_rewrite" -- e.g. the same problem
> would happen if "synchronous_standby_names" is non-empty.
> I think this warning needs to be more generic to cover everything.
> Maybe something like below
> Delaying the replication can mean there is a much longer time between making
> a change on the publisher, and that change being committed on the subscriber.
> This can have a big impact on synchronous replication.
> See
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/runtime-config-wal.html#GUC-SYN

> ======
> src/backend/commands/subscriptioncmds.c
> 6. parse_subscription_options
> + ms = interval_to_ms(interval);
> + if (ms < 0 || ms > INT_MAX)
> + ereport(ERROR,
> + errmsg("%lld ms is outside the valid range for option \"%s\"",
> +    (long long) ms, "min_apply_delay"));
> "for option" -> "for parameter"

> ======
> src/backend/replication/logical/worker.c
> 7. apply_delay
> +static void
> +apply_delay(TimestampTz ts)
> IMO having a delay is not the usual case. So, would a better name for this
> function be 'maybe_delay'?
Makes sense. I follow some other functions such as 
maybe_reread_subscription and maybe_start_skipping_changes.

> ~
> 8.
> + * high value for the delay. This design is different from the physical
> + * replication (that applies the delay at commit time) mainly because
> + write
> + * operations may allow some issues (such as bloat and locks) that can
> + be
> + * minimized if it does not keep the transaction open for such a long time.
> Something seems not quite right with this wording -- is there a better way of
> describing this?
I reworded the entire paragraph. Could you please check ?

> ~
> 9.
> + /*
> + * Delay apply until all tablesync workers have reached READY state. If
> + we
> + * allow the delay during the catchup phase, once we reach the limit of
> + * tablesync workers, it will impose a delay for each subsequent worker.
> + * It means it will take a long time to finish the initial table
> + * synchronization.
> + */
> + if (!AllTablesyncsReady())
> + return;
> "Delay apply until..." -> "The min_apply_delay parameter is ignored until..."

> ~
> 10.
> + /*
> + * The worker may be waken because of the ALTER SUBSCRIPTION ...
> + * DISABLE, so the catalog pg_subscription should be read again.
> + */
> + if (!in_remote_transaction && !in_streamed_transaction) {
> + AcceptInvalidationMessages(); maybe_reread_subscription(); } }
> "waken" -> "woken"
I have removed this sentence for a new change
to recalculate the diffms for any updates of the "min_apply_delay" parameter.

Please have a look at maybe_delay_apply().

> ======
> src/bin/psql/describe.c
> 11. describeSubscriptions
> + /* Origin and min_apply_delay are only supported in v16 and higher */
>   if (pset.sversion >= 160000)
>   appendPQExpBuffer(&buf,
> -   ", suborigin AS \"%s\"\n",
> -   gettext_noop("Origin"));
> +   ", suborigin AS \"%s\"\n"
> +   ", subapplydelay AS \"%s\"\n",
> +   gettext_noop("Origin"),
> +   gettext_noop("Apply delay"));
> IIUC the psql command is supposed to display useful information to the user, 
> so
> I wondered if it is worthwhile to put the units in this column header -- 
> "Apply
> delay (ms)" instead of just "Apply delay"
> because that would make it far easier to understand the meaning without
> having to check the documentation to discover the units.

> ======
> src/include/utils/timestamp.h
> 12.
> +extern int64 interval_to_ms(const Interval *interval);
> +
> For consistency with the other interval conversion functions exposed here
> maybe this one should have been called 'interval2ms'

> ======
> src/test/subscription/t/032_apply_delay.pl
> 13.
> IIUC this test is checking if a delay has occurred by inspecting the debug 
> logs to
> see if a certain code path including "logical replication apply delay" is 
> logged. I
> guess that is OK, but another way might be to compare the actual timing values
> of the published and replicated rows.
> The publisher table can have a column with default now() and the subscriber
> side table can have an *additional* column also with default now(). After
> replication, those two timestamp values can be compared to check if the
> difference exceeds the min_time_delay parameter specified.
Added this check.

This patch now depends on a patch posted in another thread in [2]
for TAP test of "min_apply_delay" feature. Without this patch,
if one backend process executes ALTER SUBSCRIPTION SET min_apply_delay,
while the apply worker gets another message for apply_dispatch,
the apply worker doesn't notice the reset and utilizes the old value for
that incoming transaction. To fix this, I posted the patch together.
(During the patch creation, I don't any change any code logs of the
wakeup patch, but for my env, I adjusted the line feed.) 

Kindly have a look at the updated patch.

[1] - 
[2] - https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/20221122004119.GA132961@nathanxps13

Best Regards,
        Takamichi Osumi

Attachment: v10-0001-wake-up-logical-workers-as-needed-instead-of-rel.patch
Description: v10-0001-wake-up-logical-workers-as-needed-instead-of-rel.patch

Attachment: v10-0002-Time-delayed-logical-replication-subscriber.patch
Description: v10-0002-Time-delayed-logical-replication-subscriber.patch

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