> I don't think that unsubstantiated hyperbole is the right way to
> approach the task of convincing the community to adopt the approach
> you prefer.

It's not a hyperbole it's fact and I even talked about it on conference.
You should just compare all my cmake files with Makefile+.in+.m4 (and msvc
folder) it was significant reduce code to maintain.
Anyway all my intention in this field it's to reduce pain and reduce suppor
time for build system.
Curren state:

cat `find ./ | grep '\.in\|\.m4\|Makefile\|\/msvc\/'` | wc
 22942   76111  702163

cat `find ./ | grep 'CMakeLists\|\.cmake'` | wc
  9160   16604  278061

and also, I use code style when a source file names every time on new
line... it's serious increase numbers of line.
If compare the same style as in Makefile it will be ~3000 (you can just
compare words ;) )


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