I continue to think that this is a fundamentally bad idea.  It creates
all sorts of uncertainties about what is a valid update path and what
is not.  Restrictions like

+     Such wildcard update
+     scripts will only be used when no explicit path is found from
+     old to target version.

are just band-aids to try to cover up the worst problems.

Have you considered the idea of instead inventing a "\include" facility
for extension scripts?  Then, if you want to use one-monster-script
to handle different upgrade cases, you still need one script file for
each supported upgrade step, but those can be one-liners including the
common script file.  Plus, such a facility could be of use to people
who want intermediate factorization solutions (that is, some sharing
of code without buying all the way into one-monster-script).

                        regards, tom lane

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