> On Dec 31, 2022, at 6:17 AM, Peter Eisentraut 
> <peter.eisentr...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
> Another update, with some merge conflicts resolved. 

Hi Peter, thanks for the patch!

I wonder if logical replication could be made to work more easily with this 
feature.  Specifically, subscribers of encrypted columns will need the 
encrypted column encryption key (CEK) and the name of the column master key 
(CMD) as exists on the publisher, but getting access to that is not automated 
as far as I can see. It doesn't come through automatically as part of a 
subscription, and publisher's can't publish the pg_catalog tables where the 
keys are kept (because publishing system tables is not supported.)  Is it 
reasonable to make available the CEK and CMK to subscribers in an automated 
fashion, to facilitate setting up logical replication with less manual 
distribution of key information?  Is this already done, and I'm just not 
recognizing that you've done it?

Can we do anything about the attack vector wherein a malicious DBA simply 
copies the encrypted datum from one row to another?  Imagine the DBA Alice 
wants to murder a hospital patient Bob by removing the fact that Bob is deathly 
allergic to latex.  She cannot modify the Bob's encrypted and authenticated 
record, but she can easily update Bob's record with the encrypted record of a 
different patient Charlie.  Likewise, if she want's Bob to pay Charlie's bill, 
she can replace Charlie's encrypted credit card number with Bob's, and once Bob 
is dead, he won't dispute the charges.

An encrypted-and-authenticated column value should be connected with its row in 
some way that Alice cannot circumvent.  In the patch as you have it written, 
the client application can include row information in the patient record 
(specifically, the patient's name, ssn, etc) and verify when any patient record 
is retrieved that this information matches.  But that's hardly "transparent" to 
the client.  It's something all clients will have to do, and easy to forget to 
do in some code path.  Also, for encrypted fixed-width columns, it is not an 
option.  So it seems the client needs to "salt" (maybe not the right term for 
what I have in mind) the encryption with some relevant other columns, and 
that's something the libpq client would need to understand, and something the 
patch's syntax needs to support.  Something like:

CREATE TABLE patient_records (
    -- Cryptographically connected to the encrypted record
    patient_id  BIGINT NOT NULL,
    patient_ssn CHAR(11),

    -- The encrypted record
    patient_record TEXT ENCRYPTED WITH (column_encryption_key = cek1,
                                        column_encryption_salt = (patient_id, 

    -- Extra stuff, not cryptographically connected to anything
    next_of_kin TEXT,
    phone_number BIGINT,

I have not selected any algorithms that include such "salt"ing (again, maybe 
the wrong word) because I'm just trying to discuss the general feature, not get 
into the weeds about which cryptographic algorithm to select.


Mark Dilger
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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