On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 2:38 AM Jeff Davis <pg...@j-davis.com> wrote:
> Committed.

I was just noticing that what was committed here didn't actually fix
the problem implied by the subject line. That is, non-superuser still
can't own subscriptions. To put that another way, there's no way for
the superuser to delegate the setup and administration of logical
replication to a non-superuser. That's a bummer.

Reading the thread, I'm not quite sure why we seemingly did all the
preparatory work and then didn't actually fix the problem. It was
previously proposed that we introduce a new predefined role
pg_create_subscriptions and allow users who have the privileges of
that predefined role to create and alter subscriptions. There are a
few issues with that which, however, seem fairly solvable to me:

1. Jeff pointed out that if you supply a connection string that is
going to try to access local files, you'd better have
pg_read_server_files, or else we should not let you use that
connection string. I guess that's mostly a function of which
parameters you specify, e.g. passfile, sslcert, sslkey, though maybe
for host it depends on whether the value starts with a slash. We might
need to think a bit here to make sure we get the rules right but it
seems like a pretty solvable problem.

2. There was also quite a bit of discussion of what to do if a user
who was previously eligible to own a subscription ceases to be
eligible, in particular around a superuser who is made into a
non-superuser, but the same problem would apply if you had
pg_create_subscriptions or pg_read_server_files and then lost it. My
vote is to not worry about it too much. Specifically, I think we
should certainly check whether the user has permission to create a
subscription before letting them do so, but we could handle the case
where the user already owns a subscription and tries to modify it by
either allowing or denying the operation and I think either of those
would be fine. I even think we could do one of those in some cases and
the other in other cases and as long as there is some principle to the
thing, it's fine. I argue that it's not a normal configuration and
therefore it doesn't have to work in a particularly useful way. It
shouldn't break the world in some horrendous way, but that's about as
good as it needs to be. I'd argue for example that DROP SUBSCRIPTION
could just check whether you own the object, and that ALTER
SUBSCRIPTION could check whether you own the object and, if you're
changing the connection string, also whether you would have privileges
to set that new connection string on a new subscription.

3. There was a bit of discussion of maybe wanting to allow users to
create subscriptions with some connection strings but not others,
perhaps by having some kind of intermediate object that owns the
connection string and is owned by a superuser or someone with lots of
privileges, and then letting a less-privileged user point a
subscription at that object. I agree that might be useful to somebody,
but I don't see why it's a hard requirement to get anything at all
done here. Right now, a subscription contains a connection string
directly. If in the future someone wants to introduce a CREATE
REPLICATION DESTINATION command (or whatever) and have a way to point
a subscription at a replication destination rather than a connection
string directly, cool. Or if someone wants to wire this into CREATE
SERVER somehow, also cool. But if you don't care about restricting
which IPs somebody can try to access by providing a connection string
of their choice, then you would be happy if we just did something
simple here and left this problem for another day.

I am very curious to know (a) why work on this was abandoned (perhaps
the answer is just lack of round tuits, in which case there is no more
to be said), and (b) what people think of (1)-(3) above, and (c)
whether anyone knows of further problems that need to be considered


Robert Haas
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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