On Thu, 26 Jan 2023 at 22:46, Andrew Dunstan <and...@dunslane.net> wrote:
> Hmm, but I usually run with -a, I even have a git alias for it. I guess
> what this discussion illustrates is that there are various patters for
> using git, and we shouldn't assume that everyone else is using the same
> patterns we are.

I definitely agree that there are lots of ways to use git. And I now
understand why my hook didn't work well for your existing workflow.

I've pretty much unlearned the -a flag. Because the easiest way I've
been able to split up changes into different commits is using "git add
-p", which adds partial pieces of files to the staging area. And that
workflow combines terribly with "git commit -a" because -a adds all
the things that I specifically didn't put in the staging area into the
final commit anyway.

> I'm still  mildly inclined to say this material would be better placed
> in the developer wiki. After all, this isn't the only thing a postgres
> developer might use a git hook for

I think it should definitely be somewhere. I have a preference for the
repo, since I think the docs on codestyle are already in too many
different places. But the wiki is already much better than having no
shared hook at all. I mainly think we should try to make it as easy as
possible for people to commit well indented code.

> (mine has more material in it than in what I posted).

Anything that is useful for the wider community and could be part of
this example/template git hook? (e.g. some perltidy automation)

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