On Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 11:24 PM Rinat Shigapov <rinatshiga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does the current PostgreSQL release support B+ tree index predicate locks 
> more granular then page-level locks?

No.  I tried to follow some breadcrumbs left by Kevin and Dan that
should allow unique index scans that find a match to skip the btree
page lock, though, and p-lock just the heap tuple.  If you like
half-baked experimental code, see the v4-0002 patch in this thread,
where I took some shortcuts (jamming stuff that should be in the
planner down into the executor) for a proof-of-concept:


With that approach, if it *doesn't* find a match, then you're back to
having to p-lock the whole index page to represent the "gap", so that
you can conflict with anyone who tries to insert a matching value
later.  I believe the next-key approach would allow for finer grained
gap-locks (haven't studied that myself), but that's a secondary
problem; the primary problem (it seems to me) is getting rid of index
locks completely in the (common?) case that you have a qualifying

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