On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 5:46 PM David Rowley <dgrowle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I didn't do a detailed review of the sort patch, but I did wonder
> about the use of the name "fallback"  in the new functions. The
> comment in the following snippet from qsort_tuple_unsigned_compare()
> makes me think "tiebreak" is a better name.

I agree "tiebreak" is better.

> I also wonder if the weirdness I reported in [1] would also disappear
> with your patch.  There's a patch on that thread that hacks up the
> planner to split multi-column sorts into Sort -> Incremental Sort
> rather than just a single sort.

I tried that test (attached in script form) with and without the tiebreaker
patch and got some improvement:


4 ^ 8: latency average = 113.976 ms
5 ^ 8: latency average = 783.830 ms
6 ^ 8: latency average = 3990.351 ms
7 ^ 8: latency average = 15793.629 ms

Skip rechecking first key:

4 ^ 8: latency average = 107.028 ms
5 ^ 8: latency average = 732.327 ms
6 ^ 8: latency average = 3709.882 ms
7 ^ 8: latency average = 14570.651 ms

I gather that planner hack was just a demonstration, so I didn't test
it, but if that was a move toward something larger I can run additional

The configuration was (same as yesterday, but forgot to mention then)

turbo off
shared_buffers = '8GB';
work_mem = '4GB';
max_parallel_workers = 0;

John Naylor
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

Attachment: bench_cartesiansort.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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