On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 8:36 AM jack...@gmail.com <jack...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > CID means "command ID" i.e. sequential ID assigned to commands in a
> > single session (for visibility checks, so that a query doesn't see data
> > deleted by earlier commands in the same session). See
> > src/backend/utils/time/combocid.c for basic explanation of what "combo
> > CID" is.
> I think if cid is used for  visibility checks in one session, that's
> meaingless, beacause we can use the t_xmin and t_xmax to
> get this goal. Is tis
I think the word "session" is wrong.  It should be "transaction".

IIUC, it is what is changed when one issues CommandCounterIncrement within
a transaction.  And you need somewhere to save which CCI step deletes rows,
in particular due to the savepoint feature.

David J.

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