On Mon, 27 Feb 2023 at 12:10, Heikki Linnakangas <hlinn...@iki.fi> wrote:

> (CC list trimmed, gmail wouldn't let me send otherwise)
> That sounds right for pg_serial, pg_notify, and pg_subtrans. But not for
> pg_commit_ts and the pg_multixacts.
> This needs tests for pg_upgrading those SLRUs, after 0, 1 and N
> wraparounds.
> Yep, that's my fault. I've forgotten about pg_multixacts. But for the
pg_commit_ts it's a bit complicated story.
The thing is, if we do upgrade, old files from pg_commit_ts not copied into
a new server.

For example, I've checked one more time on the current master branch:
1). initdb
2). add "track_commit_timestamp = on" into postgresql.conf
3). pgbench
4). $ ls  pg_commit_ts/
    0000  0005  000A  000F  0014  0019  001E  0023...
    ...009A  009F  00A4  00A9  00AE  00B3  00B8  00BD  00C2
5). do pg_upgrade
6). $ ls  pg_commit_ts/
    0000  00C2

Either I do not understand something, or the files from pg_commit_ts
directory are not copied.

Best regards,
Maxim Orlov.

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